Resplendent Quetzals

The Holy Grail for birders.

Happy Friday! This is Adventure Fix, your weekly digital journey filled with close encounters with wildlife, natural wonders, and expeditions to the lesser-known realms of our world.

Here’s what we've got for you today: Resplendent Quetzals in Costa Rica.




Photographing Resplendent Quetzals

Photo: Judy Lehmberg

Boasting a bird list that spans over 900 species, Costa Rica stands as a true haven for bird enthusiasts. From the Ornate Hawk-Eagle and hummingbirds to motmots, the variety is staggering. However, there's one avian gem that consistently claims the top spot on everyone's checklist: the Resplendent Quetzal.

These magnificent creatures are revered as the Holy Grail for birders and bird photographers exploring the American tropics.

Decked in a resplendent ensemble of shimmering green and red feathers, the males undergo a breathtaking transformation during the mating season. They sprout twin tail feathers that unfurl into a spectacular train, extending up to an impressive three feet in length.

Although lacking these elaborate trains, females exhibit the same dazzling palette of blue, green, and red hues.

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